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The Legacy of the Dream Airstream Food Truck


During the time when the New Crown epidemic was raging, a customer placed an order for a  Airstream Food Truck with our company and paid a deposit. According to our process, the next step was to discuss the specific details of the product in detail with the customer. However, we were never able to reach the customer within the agreed upon time frame. Whether it was by phone, email, or other means of communication, he did not respond. As time passed, we realised that something might have gone wrong, but due to the lack of information, we could only put the production plan for this order on hold.

Time passed day by day, the bell of Chinese New Year rang, and the city was full of festive atmosphere. However, the lost customer and the unfinished order were always on our mind. Just after the Spring Festival holiday, we suddenly received a strange phone call. On the other end of the phone was a lady with a tired voice and a faint sadness. After she introduced herself in a slightly trembling voice, we realised that she was the wife of the lost customer.

With undisguised grief and choking in her voice, she told us a heartbreaking story. It turned out that during the epidemic, her husband was unfortunately infected with the new coronavirus, and after a period of struggle and treatment, he ultimately failed to survive the ordeal and unfortunately passed away. While clearing and organising her husband's belongings and possessions, she discovered this unfinished order for a  Airstream Food Truck. This was just two months after her husband's death.

In our dialogue with her, we felt her deep sadness and loss. We expressed our deep sympathy and our sincerest condolences to her. What touched us, however, was that at the end of the conversation we asked her what she planned to do in the future. She said calmly but firmly, "Although my husband is gone, his dream of a  Airstream Food Truck lives on. I have decided to carry on his legacy and fulfil this unfinished dream. I will support our child with this  Airstream Food Truck and try to send him to college. This is my promise to my husband and my hope for the future."

Hearing this, we were deeply impressed by her strength and courage. In the face of life's hardships, she chose to rise to the occasion and chose to continue her husband's dreams and hopes with her actions. We decided to do our best to help her fulfil this dream, so that this  Airstream Food Truck would not only become a new starting point for their family, but also a hope and pillar for their future life.

In the following days, we worked closely with this strong lady to understand in detail her specific requirements and expectations of the  Airstream Food Truck. We hoped that through our efforts, we would be able to help her realise her husband's dream, and at the same time bring new hope and strength to her and her children. This story is not only a testament to dreams and love, but also a salute to life's indomitable spirit. Though life is full of challenges, all difficulties can be overcome in the face of the power of love and unwavering faith. We are deeply honoured to be a part of this moving story and hope that through our efforts, we can move this woman and her child towards a brighter future.

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